NBE Independent inspection body (hereinafter the Inspection Body) has been established on the base of NBE Ltd.
Registered office and place of business: 35A, Marshala Govorova str., St. Petersburg, 198095, Russia
business-center “Yellow corner”, office: 432,435
Phone: +7 (812) 740 20 15, факс +7 (812) 740 36 27;
E-mail: mail@burexp.com;
Official site: http://www.burexp.ru.
NBE conducts the following types of inspections:
— design inspection;
— initial inspection;
— in-service inspection;
— type checking;
— technical supervision (control).
Third party types inspection (type A):
— materials, products, products design, processes, working procedures, installation of equipment or services study;
— check, comparative and determinative tests of products;
— production audit (technological);
— technical audit and evaluation;
— acceptance and one-time inspections.
Objects of inspection:
— pressure vessels (with accessories) designed for hazardous goods storage and transportation by sea, road and railway transport;
— heavy containers and removable (replaceable) bodies designed for transportation of goods by sea, road and railway transport (including safety equipment and devices, if any);
— trunk and underwater pipelines (with fittings) designed for hydrocarbons transportation (natural gas, crude oil and oil products);
— objects of maritime transport infrastructure, inland water transport, their parts and components;
— small boats, equipment of small boats and life-saving equipment;
— various transport means (rail and road);
— hydraulic engineering installations.
Procedure for applicant interaction with Inspection Body
Stages of inspection:
a) acceptance of an order (application, regulation, determination or instruction) to carry out inspection. Checking of completeness of the initial documents provided and analysis of in-spection feasibility. Determination of the need in laboratory tests and measurements.
In identifying incomplete package of documents or any deficiencies in the documents submitted, it is necessary to notify the Customer. The interaction with the Customer or its official representative is carried out by telecommunication means, electronic communications, official correspondence or direct contact;
b) determination of the performance terms and performers, draft agreement preparation.
c) approval of the application by the Director General of NBE Ltd. in order to avoid con-flict of interests and comply with the principles of impartiality and independence.
d) registration of documents.
e) application and documents submitted review by Inspector and decision-making on the application.
f) coordination of inspection time and date with the Customer.
g) inspection of facility and execution of inspection certificate.
h) receipt of laboratory test protocols and measurements by an expert, and preparation of protocol conclusion.
i) execution of an expert conclusion on the basis of inspection certificate, laboratory test protocols and measurements, and review of the submitted documents.
j) approval of the expertise results. Approval of the expert conclusion is an evidence of expert works completion.
Ready set of documents includes:
1) three copies of expert conclusion with visas of all subcontractors (if necessary);
2) certificate(s) of inspection(s), if necessary;
3) laboratory test protocols (measurements) and expert conclusions hereto.
k) notification of the customer on works completion.
l) assignment of a register number.
m) delivery or direction of expert evaluation results to the Customer.
Issuance of finished expert conclusions and certificates of inspection after proper execu-tion of all necessary documents. The fact of inspection results receipt by the Customer shall be recorded in the cover letter on expertise results delivery to the Customer’s address. Work is deemed to be completed after acceptance certificate signing by the authorized representatives of the parties (Applicant and Performer).
n) Set of documents archiving.
Cost of works
Price and duration of works on expert conclusion depends on the actual time spent ac-cording to the Company’s tariffs.
Procedure for appeals and complaints submission
In the process of inspection, it is not uncommon to have conflicts when the Applicant makes an appeal (complaint or claim) to the Inspection Body. Classical definition of the term is the appeal submitted by the organization (person concerned) against the decision on any com-plaint related to the result of works performance. In our case this relates to the works on con-formity assessment related to the main activities of the body. Also appeal shall have a request for decision review adopted by this body in respect of the Applicant.
To deal with such conflict situations, and to adopt satisfactory for both parties decision CB NBE established Appeals and Complaints Commission, which activities are regulated by the internal normative documentation No СМК-ОИ.11-2016 “Regulations on Appeals and Complaints Commission of the Inspection Body”.
Appeals and Complaints Commission shall meet as needed and function during the time required for appeals, complaints, and disagreements review, decision-making and control over such decision implementation.
The procedure for complaints (appeals) processing and review related to CB NBE activi-ties shall include the following order of actions:
— receipt and registration of complaint (appeal) in the register of complaints (appeals) and preliminary review by the Director General of NBE Ltd.;
— complaint (appeal) receipt confirmation and its attribution to the Inspection Body activities;
— review of complaint (appeal) by the Head of IB and Complaints and formation of Appeals Commission;
— complaint (appeal) content consideration and discussion by the Commission;
— decision-making on the response actions to be taken considering the results of previous complaints (appeals), if any;
— approval of response containing decision on any complaint (appeal), and notification of the Complainant (Appellant);
— support and maintenance of records in complaints (appeals) register;
— verification of the relevant corrective actions.
Upon complaint (appeal) review completion, the certification body shall formally notify the Complainant.
The complaints (appeals) submitted may be related both to the Inspection Body activities and to Contracting Authority activities.
The Inspection body shall transfer any complaint (appeal) to the Customer related to it within three days.
The complaints (appeals) submitted may be related both to the Inspection Body activities and to Contracting Authority activities.
The Inspection body shall transfer any complaint (appeal) to the Customer related to it within three days.
Upon complaint (appeal) receipt, the Inspection Body shall be responsible for all infor-mation collection and verification necessary to verify the complaint (appeal).
In order to comply with confidentiality requirements, the body together with the Custom-er and Complaint (Appellant) should determine if it is necessary and, if so, the extent to which the subject of complaint (appeal) and related conclusion shall be disclosed.