There are a number of crucial differences between design of hazardous industrial facilities (HIF) and design of civilian designation objects:
— development of design documentation for hazardous industrial facilities (all classes) requires increased designer’s attention towards the safety establishing in production (industrial and fire safety, labor organization, etc.). Requirements of regulatory framework for these objects are also tightened;
— development of particular specific chapters prescribed by the Federal law is frequently required during HIF design;
— technology group occupies a key position during HIF design in oil, gas, chemical in-dustries, as well as in the other sectors by all means related to technological systems and installa-tions.
NBE is the member of Self-regulatory organization Association “Commonwealth of project entities” and has the appropriate SRO (self-regulation organization) permits for design works. Meanwhile, NBE doesn't perform these services, these permits has been obtained in order to guarantee qualification and compentences of the specialists, who perform adaptation of design documentation.