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Construction & technical supervision

Organization of contruction supervision

NBE is the member of Self-regulatory organization Association “Commonwealth of project entities”

Purposes of construction supervision:
— to ensure proper quality of construction (construction and installation works, materials used);
— to ensure works performance in strict compliance with design and regulatory documentation and construction norms;
— to ensure project implementation within the budget;
— to ensure constructive safety of facility and prevention of accidents.

Scope of construction supervision services:

— control of building technology and safety regulations observation and compliance with re-quirements to construction works organization;
— incoming control of building materials, structures and equipment;
— control and accounting of required internal buildings and structures and executive-technical documentation maintenance and quality;
— organization of control and acceptance quality procedure for intermediate and hidden works performed by the contractors;
— acceptance of the works performed making cumulative accounting;
— control of commissioning, equipment and process installations testing;
— control of compliance with contractual obligations and terms of their fulfilment by the contrac-tors;
— prevention of emergency situations;
— participation in audits made by public supervisory authorities.

The process of construction supervision.

Engineer for construction supervision shall be assigned to a facility. He/she shall be on construc-tion site full-time, controlling the quality of works, preparation of executive documentation, works registers maintenance, participating in the meetings, etc.
In case of production needs construction supervision shall be made on weekends and public hol-idays or in the second shift. To enforce the control (in case of big volumes of construction) addi-tional engineers may be assigned to any facility.
Written report on the progress of construction and installation works, and remarks identified and eliminated shall be provided monthly to the Client.
The following shall be constantly at our engineers’ disposal:
— computer with complete database of normative documents;
— digital camera;
— manual measuring tool;
— a set of reference books.
In addition, we also use more sophisticated tools and equipment.

Technical supervision

Our experts conduct their activities in the Contracting Authority on the basis of the technical supervision contract.
To specify the scope and procedure for inspections, the expert and organization shall make a checklist for facilities inspection and process operations. The list shall be made on the basis of established requirements, taking into account specific conditions of technical supervision. This list shall be an annex to the technical supervision contract.
In addition to the inspections provided by the list, any expert can perform overall control of the works quality, technological processes compliance, etc., which results shall be given in the Technical Supervision Register.
The expert shall require additional inspections and/or tests of materials and components, if in the course of technical supervision he/she established that they do not meet requirements, or in their use technical supervision facilities will not meet these requirements.
Based on the results of inspections and tests, expert shall execute relevant documents for facilities.

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