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    Office 436, Business Center "Yellow Angle", 35A Marshala Govorova st., St-Petersburg, 198095
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Company details

Full name: National Bureau of Expertise
Abbreviated name: NBE Ltd.
INN / KPP: 781136327 / 780501001
ORGN: 1037800004615
Registered office and place of business: Russian Federation, 198095, St. Petersburg, ul. Marshal Govorov, d 35, letter A, room 7-H
Phone, fax: (812) 740-20-15, fax: (812) 740-36-27
E-mail: mail@burexp.com
Official site: http://www.burexp.ru
Bank details: BIK 044030790
RS. № 40702810732000003566 PJSC "Bank" Saint-Petersburg ", St. Petersburg
KS 30101810900000000790

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