In accordance with provisions of the Federal Law № 184 “On Technical Regulation”, effected in 2003 in the Russian Federation, technical devices development, adoption, application, production, construction (including buildings and structures), installation, adjustment, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal should be provided in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations.
Technical regulation (hereinafter the TR) is a legal act, which establishes obligatory for use and implementation requirements to the technical regulation facilities (products, including buildings and structures, production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal).
Certification body of the products applied at hazardous industrial facilities, offshore facilities and transport provided by NBE Ltd. (hereinafter CB NBE) has been established on the base of NBE Ltd. NBE Ltd. has been accredited by the Federal Service for Accreditation in 2017, Accreditation Certificate № ROSS _____________________
Certification Body Head – Y.V. Oleynik, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Registered office and place of business: Russian Federation, 198095, St. Petersburg, ul. Marshal Govorov, d. 35, letter A, room 7-H office 432, 434, 435, 436; Phone: +7 (812) 740 20 15, Fax: +7 (812) 740 36 27;
Official site:;
Obligatory certification and declaration
Obligatory certification or declaration shall mean products compliance (technical devices, equipment) used at hazardous industrial facilities (HIF), offshore facilities and transport at any stage of the life cycle (design, manufacture, storage, transportation, sale, operation and disposal) with TR requirements.
TR, valid on the territory of the Russian Federation, can be divided into two groups:
1st group: technical regulations of the Russian Federation (hereinafter the TR RF); 2nd group: technical regulations of the Customs Union (hereinafter the TR CU).
A document, confirming products compliance with TR requirements, is a Certificate of Con-formity or Declaration of Conformity.
Obligatory certification or Declaration of Conformity are required in cases when the products are include in the “Single list of products subjecting to obligatory certification, and a single list of products, which conformity confirmation is made in the form of Declaration of Conformity acceptance” (approved by the RF Government Decree № 982 dated 01.12. 2009 - as amended), as well as in the “Single list of products subjecting to obligatory assessment (confirmation) within the Customs Union with the uniform documents issuance” (Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union dated 07.04.2011, № 620 - as amended) and related Technical Regulations of the Customs Union.
Certificate of Conformity or Declaration of Conformity shall be issued or registered, correspond-ingly, by the accredited certification body in accordance with the OKP code (Foreign Trade No-menclature of Goods (FTNG)) assigned to the products.
You can check whether the products are subject to certification/declaration for compliance with TR requirements, in accordance with provisions of “Consolidated information list of products subjecting to obligatory compliance confirmation in FTNG CU Codes”.
It should be noted that Declaration of Conformity versus the Certificate of Conformity shall be issued only on a mandatory basis.
Declaration of Conformity is an obligatory document but from a legal perspective, it has equal power with Certificate. If it is established by the law that the products conformity shall be de-clared, then technical devices release into circulation is not possible without registered declara-tion.
Specialists and experts of our company have a wide experience and required accreditation for certificates/declarations registration for compliance with the technical regulations.
Certificate of Conformity/Declaration of Conformity to TR CU requirements grants its holder a right to sell its products and apply a single products conformity mark on the market of the Cus-toms Union States - Members and demonstrates that the products, having a single conformity mark, fully meet the requirements of human life and health safety, established in the technical regulations.
Scope of accreditation and certification schemes description
NBE is accredited to perform the works on products certification for their compliance with TR CU requirements verification:
— TR CU 004/2011 “On safety of low voltage equipment” shall be applied to electrical equipment designed for use at a nominal voltage from 50 to 1000 V (inclusive) AC and from 75 to 1500 (inclusive) DC; — TR CU 010/2011 “On safety of machinery and equipment” shall be applied to machinery and (or) equipment, put into circulation on the common Customs Union territory in accordance with Annex 3 to this Technical Regulation; — TR CU 016/2011 “On safety of machines operating on gaseous fuel” shall be applied to gas-powered equipment put into circulation on the common Customs Union territory; — TR CU 020/2011 “Electromagnetic compatibility of technical devices” shall be applied to the technical devices put into circulation on the common Customs Union territory capable to generate electromagnetic interference, and (or) which quality of functioning depends on external elec-tromagnetic interference influence; — TR CU 032/2013 “On safety of equipment operating under excessive pressure” shall be applied to vessels intended for gases, liquefied gases, dissolved under pressure gases and vapours used for working environments of Groups 1 and 2; vessels intended for liquids used for working envi-ronments of Groups 1 and 2; boilers with the capacity of 0.002 cubic meters intended for hot wa-ter production, which temperature is over 110 degrees of Celsius, or vapour, which overpressure exceeds 0.05 MPa; pipelines with maximum permissible operating pressure over 0.05 MPa;
Description of conformity confirmation schemes
Upon confirming products conformity (certification and declaration) to TR CU requirements, the following schemes shall be applied:
Production volume
Index of Technical
Regulations of the Customs Union
Serial production
3D, 6D
3D, 6D
4D, 5D
One-of-a-kind product
4D, 5D
2D, 4D
Detailed description of the conformity confirmation schemes is given in “Regulation on the application of standard assessment (confirmation) schemes of conformity to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union”, approved by the Decision of the Customs Union Com-mission dated 07.04.2011, № 621.
Schemes under which products conformity to TR CU requirements “On safety of equipment operating under excessive pressure” shall be confirmed are set in TR CU 032/2013:
Equipment description
Production output
Serial production
One-of-a-kind product
Equipment of the 1st and 2nd categories
Equipment of the 3-rd and 4-th categories
Equipment of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th categories,
which were manufactured at place of operation
using permanent joints
Items of equipment and component parts
of equipment of the 1st and 2nd categories
Equipment designed for putting into serial and
mass production and in case of equipment
modifications planning
Classification of equipment by hazard categories is given in Appendix 1 (Tables 1-9) to TR CU 032/2013.
Applicants interaction with the Certification Body
Applicant actions on any application for certification/application for declaration registration, scheme selection, sampling, information provision on certification/declaration object, and also for control over certification/declaration object parameters and compliance with technical regulation are given in the «Rights and Obligations of the Applicant»:
Products certification
In order to obtain a certificate of conformity to the technical regulations requirements, please contact our employees by the telephone or email.
Upon filling an application, its analysis and risk assessment, typical scheme of certification and relevant conditions will be determined (confirmed). If any services have been already proved to the Applicant organization, then in the course of analysis, the results of the previous work will be considered.
If it is required to ensure understanding of the certification process, progress of works on the Applicant organization side, data availability, and privacy and security issues discussion, TV/video conference meeting can be scheduled.
In the absence or insufficiency of objective evidence confirming products conformity to estab-lished criteria, inconsistencies and comments shall be identified and sent to the Applicant.
Depending on the conformity confirmation scheme applied, an expert responsible for services provision on the order shall prepare its conclusion, which contains information about the fol-lowing results: — analysis of the documents submitted by the Organization; — analysis of the test protocols, type, batch or each product sample; — analysis of production conditions (if provided by the certification scheme).
Final part of expert conclusion shall include generalized conclusions about the degree of prod-ucts conformity to assessment criteria: — products conform to the declared criteria for conformity. There is no need for additional works on conformity confirmation; — products in general conform to the declared criteria for conformity. To address any issues raised relating to uncertainty of the individual quality characteristics it is necessary to carry out additional works on conformity confirmation; — products do not conform to the declared criteria for conformity. Products conformity cannot be confirmed.
Based on the Expert conclusion, the Performer shall prepare a Decision on the Certificate of Conformity issuance.
Time for decision-making or justification of refusal to issue the Certificate of Conformity: — in case of obligatory products certification under the schemes that do not provide for produc-tion analysis, duration of the certification process cannot exceed 15 days; — in case of obligatory products certification under the schemes, including production analysis, duration of the certification process cannot exceed 30 days.
Term for decision-making and justification of refusal to issue the certificate for the type of products cannot exceed 15 days.
Based on the Decision on certificate of conformity issuance, a draft certificate of conformi-ty/certificate for the type of products shall be issued, which shall be submitted to the Applicant Organization for approval.
Afterwards the Certification Body shall send original certificate of conformity/certificate for the type of products to the Applicant Organization representative acting under the Power of Attorney, or send by mail accompanied by the letter duly registered.
Attention!!! Certificate can be executed both for the technical devices produced by the countries of the Customs Union, and for the products of foreign manufacturers. Requirements to the foreign products and products from the Customs Union are the same, and certification schemes are also the same.
Products declaration
Filled declaration shall be sent by the Applicant to the Certification Body, which verifies submitted documents and registers declaration.
The Certification Body is obliged to check package of documents compliance with the scheme of declaration selected and products, correctness of the declaration form filling and register filled by the Applicant declaration.
Stages of conformity declaration: — manufacturer (seller, performer) shall obtain declaration of conformity for a period established by it according to the planned date of products release, services provision or products batch sale. Documents that can serve as a basis for conformity confirmation to established re-quirements are the following: a) Acceptance protocols, acceptance and other routine tests of products conducted by the manufacturer (seller, performer) and/or by the third competent testing laboratories;
b) Certificates of conformity or test protocols for raw materials and component parts;
c) Documents provided for this type of products by the relevant federal laws and issued by the authorized bodies and organizations (hygienic conclusions, veterinary certificates, fire safety certificates, etc.);
d) Certificates for quality system or production;
e) Other documents, directly or indirectly confirming the conformity of products to estab-lished requirements.
— declaration of conformity shall be signed by the Director of organization that initiated dec-laration issuance; — declaration of conformity shall be submitted for registration to the Certification Body, ac-credited in accordance with established procedure; — the Certification Body shall check this type of products in the list of products, which con-formity can be confirmed by the declaration of conformity; Applicant competence to accept the declaration of conformity; completeness and correctness of regulatory documents provid-ed for these products conformity confirmation; copies of all documents provided for these products by the federal laws, as well as correctness of the declaration of conformity filling; — the Certification Body shall register declaration in the Single Register of Declarations as-signing it with a registration number (Rosakkreditatsiya (Federal Service for Accreditation) shall maintain the Register).
The form of declaration of products conformity to the technical regulations and recommenda-tions for its filling are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia dated 22.03.2006, № 54.
When declaration of conformity has been registered in the Registry, the manufacturer (seller, performer) has a right to put a conformity mark on the products.
It should be emphasized that the declaration of conformity and certificate of conformity have equal legal force regardless of the schemes of obligatory conformity confirmation and are valid on the entire territory of Russia in respect of each unit of products put into circulation on the ter-ritory of the Russian Federation during the declaration or certificate validity period, products life cycle or useful life.
The declaration of conformity, unlike the certificate of conformity, shall be issued on a standard paper without safety signs but in accordance with the statutory set template and it should have a seal of the Applicant Organization and the Certification Body.
Certification/Declaration of conformity of the technical devices at hazardous industrial facility shall constitute an integral part of the industrial safety complex.
List of documents used in the course of works performance and determining the requirements to these works
List of testing laboratories (centres) and organizations interacting with CB
Cost of works
Price and duration of works on certificate of conformity execution depends on the actual time spent according to the Company’s tariffs.
Procedure for appeals and complaints submission
In the process of certification (declaration) it is not uncommon to have conflicts when the Appli-cant makes an appeal (complaint or claim) to the Certification Body. Classical definition of the term is the appeal submitted by the organization (person concerned) against the decision on any complaint related to the result of works performance. In our case this relates to the works on con-formity assessment related to the main activities of the body. Also appeal shall have a request for decision review adopted by this body in respect of the Applicant.
To deal with such conflict situations, and to adopt satisfactory for both parties decision CB NBE established Appeals and Complaints Commission, which activities are regulated by the internal normative documentation № СМК-ОС.11-2016 “Regulations on Appeals and Complaints Commission of the Inspection Body”, applied at hazardous industrial facilities, offshore facilities and transport”.
Appeals and Complaints Commission shall meet as needed and function during the time required for appeals, complaints, and disagreements review, decision-making and control over such deci-sion implementation.
The procedure for complaints (appeals) processing and review related to CB NBE activities shall include the following order of actions: — receipt and registration of a complaint (appeal) in the register of complaints (appeals) and pre-liminary review by the Director General of NBE Ltd.; — complaint (appeal) receipt confirmation and its attribution to CB NBE activities; — review of the complaint (appeal) by the Head of CB and formation of Complaints and Appeals Commission; — complaint (appeal) content consideration and discussion by the Commission; — decision-making on the response actions to be taken considering the results of previous com-plaints (appeals), if any; — approval of response containing decision on any complaint (appeal), and notification of the Complainant (Appellant); — support and maintenance of records in complaints (appeals) register; — verification of the relevant corrective actions.
Upon complaint (appeal) review completion, the certification body shall formally notify the Complainant.
The complaints (appeals) submitted may be related both to the Certification Body activities and to Contracting Authority activities, which products, processes or services have been certified by CB NBE.
The Certification Body shall transfer any complaint (appeal) to the Customer related to it within three days.
Upon complaint (appeal) receipt, the Certification Body shall be responsible for all information collection and verification necessary to verify the complaint (appeal).
In order to comply with confidentiality requirements, the body together with the Customer and Complaint (Appellant) should determine if it is necessary and, if so, the extent to which the sub-ject of complaint (appeal) and related conclusion shall be disclosed.